Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Q and A with Sete Gibernau

More than two years after his retirement from MotoGP, Sete Gibernau returned to the spotlight this year after testing for the Ducati team.

After the test, the Spaniard admitted he is looking for a way to return to racing, possibly even this year. talked to Gibernau at Valencia, where the Catalan was a guest of the Ferrari Formula One team.

Q. What do you think of the Valencia circuit?

Sete Gibernau: It is nice, it is impressive. I think they did a great job for Spain it is great to have another GP and it looks like maybe this is going to become one of the big ones in F1. So for us I am very proud.

Q. Where is the Spanish heart - MotoGP or F1?

SG: I don't know. Right now F1 is very big because of Fernando, he did great, but the motorcycle tradition in Spain is very big as well. I think we need Dani or Lorenzo to push hard again, or maybe if I come back, who knows. At the end of the day all motorsport will grow in Spain and it will become bigger.

Q. What is going on with you?

SG: We have been testing, and I have been enjoying it – which is my main goal right now. I wanted to enjoy racing again and riding a bike – and after that when I started to go fast I impressed myself! I am open to whatever, but first of all I want to have fun. But after having fun and getting competitive, I have to have my way to come back. It doesn't mean it is the correct way, but it has to be my way. And if it does happen my way then maybe I will come back.

Q. This year?

SG: There is still a chance, maybe, but you never know. Like I said, I want to enjoy every day, whatever happens is great and I am open to whatever happens.

Q. Only Ducati or other people too?

SG: There are some other options, so we will just have to see what happens right now. Many things can happen and hopefully it will come right for me.

Q. You miss it?

SG: Yeah.

Q. Did you only realise that when you were back on the bike?

SG: Yeah I realised when I jumped on the bike and I really started to go fast again, and feel the bike again, it is a feeling that you can compare to nothing. It is something that is impressive, and you really take yourself to the limit. I respect so much, being outside and then coming back, the riders that are right now in MotoGP.

They are the best in the world and when you jump back on the bike you realise how fast they go and how demanding physically and mentally it is, so big respect to all of them. If I come back, it is a serious thing, I have to take it seriously. I am ready for it, but will it happen? Maybe yes, maybe no.

Q. Do you feel ready to jump on the bike and race now, or do you need more preparation?

SG: Maybe. For a long run I still don't know, a whole race is long. We will have to see. If it happens I will try to be ready.

Q. Is it your decision?

SG: Right now, it is a little bit on my side. But it is a matter of having things together, so whatever Ducati needs from me I have to be able to give them. And if what I need they can give me, then we can get together and that will be great.

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